Monday, August 26, 2013

Hello!! G.R.A.C.E Homeschoolers!!

Hi everyone!  Well, here we are on the doorstep of an exciting year full of God's blessings...yet to be revealed.  There has already been a tremendous amount of planning and preparation in getting ready for the GRACE year, with a few remaining details yet to fall into place.

“G.R.A.C.E.” Homeschool Co-op
Growing Relationships And Cultivating Enrichment
Information Guide…2013-2014
G.R.A.C.E. Co-op Goals and Mission Statement
Our goal as a Christian faith based co-op is to provide education, physical activity and opportunities for parents and children alike to build relationships with one another.  We believe God created all that we have, and in all we do He is to be glorified.  We desire to encourage and challenge the children in their learning and physical skills and to have a shared learning experience with other children.  We see our time spent as a wonderful opportunity to enrich the lives of our children with like-minded families who share a similar Christian faith and values.
Commitment and Involvement
To ensure that our co-op runs smoothly, we ask each family to commit to attending the co-op for the entire school year.  Families that have their children participating in the activities must have at least one parent actively involved in the co-op meetings/activities.  G.R.A.C.E. is intended for parents and children to experience together.  If a parent or family seems to have irregular attendance without explanation, someone on the leadership team will visit with them about their involvement in the co-op.   Obviously, illness related absences, as well as family matters and adverse weather conditions are considered to be excused.  We feel that without the commitment to attend and help out it would be unfair to the other families involved with G.R.A.C.E..  When you receive the weekly reminder, please RSVP to indicate if you will NOT be attending and who will be covering your “helping responsibility” if you are signed up to help.  Often guest speakers and teachers ask for the number of students in order to plan for and provide adequate resources for their lessons.
Mothers will be asked to help supervise/facilitate a group of kids 10 different dates throughout the year (1/2 by Dec 19th and ½ after Jan 1st) in which you will be involved in the activities of co-op that day.  On all other days, you may choose to “sign-out” from 12:15-2:45, as long as you have a cell phone with you and leave an emergency contact number.  If your child is under 1 yr old, you will be asked to bring him/her with you.  IF you cannot make it on your assigned day, you need to find a substitute for yourself.  We are committed to providing adequate adult help for each assigned area…if that requires us to hire someone to fill your place, that financial responsibility will become yours.  Perhaps it would be helpful to form a 2-3 person “team” that you can call on to trade places with each other as needed.
Age Group Options/Expectations:
Red   -        0-18 months…may nap/nurse, crawl, toddle, calmer-quiet room
Orange  -     18mo-4 yrs…plays with toys, listens to stories, simple projects, play outside
Yellow     -   4-6 yrs (preK,-1st gr)…potty trained, follows directions, colors, cuts, listens to leader, 10-15 min attention span
Green   -      6-8 yrs (1st-3rd gr)…reads with help, writes/copies independently with little help,                        15-20 min attention span, colors, cuts, paints, learns skills easily
Blue     -      8-10 yrs (3rd-4th gr)…reads and writes completely independently, longer attention span
Purple    -    10-12 yrs (5th-6th gr)…reads and writes completely independently, longer attention span
Teen Scene - ages 12 and up,…able to work/volunteer off site, can speak and interact with adults, able to do some study and group discussion, independent group activities and interaction
*** In the case of each color (age) group, the child must be the minimum age by Sept 12th (our first GRACE gathering)
Annual Fee:
We will collect $20 ($1.25 per week)for each child that participates in G.R.A.C.E that is 12 month or older as of 9/12/13.  This covers our usage fee to the church, snacks, materials needed for activities on site, postage, photo copying and other week to week costs.  Each year we try to purchase additional phy ed equipment and musical instruments that are needed for our activities, as well as classroom supplies.  This does not cover any outside activity fees such as bowling, swimming, Prairie Woods, etc.  You may pay all of your family’s fees in August or ½ at the mom’s mtg in August and ½ in January.  We will also be collecting an optional $3 per family at the beginning of the year if you would like the annual photo directory that will be available on Oct 10th.
Weather and Other cancellations
Weather may be a factor in the happenings of G.R.A.C.E.  If the Willmar schools are closed, we will not meet.  Also, because we are guests using the Church facility, if they have need of the facility, then we will need to postpone our meeting.  You will receive an email no later than 10 am the day of G.R.A.C.E. if we are cancelling due to weather or a church related event.  Please check your email (or call someone in the co-op or on the leadership team if you are away from your home phone) for a change in day and/or time.  In some cases, a rescheduled date may be possible.
Leadership Team:  consists of 8 moms, eager to help us in any way. 
Please contact the leadership team if you have any questions regarding any aspect of G.R.A.C.E.  Again, we desire our group to be Christ centered, fun, interactive and a great opportunity for the children to learn and build relationships.
*New families who agree with the mission statement and have read the information guide may join at any time throughout the year based on openings in each age group.  Suggestions for new families should be given to Paula for contacting.
Importance of Email:
Please remember to check your email each Monday/Tuesday before we meet on Thursday and read it carefully so you are aware of all communications!  This is our main form of communication and it can be very effective if everyone is committed to checking it!  Sometimes the kids will be asked to bring something special from home for a lesson or activity.   This information is then included in the weekly email that comes to your email box the Monday prior to our Thursday co-op. 
Monthly Mom’s Night Out:
In response to moms who are looking for a time of connecting, encouraging, and just being in the presence of other homeschooling moms (without kids present), we will have a monthly mom’s night out.  The dates, time and location will be communicated via email in September.
Thursday afternoons
Check in and registration will start at 11:40.  Please be punctual, as we will be starting on time.  A detailed, year long schedule of topics, activities, etc. will be distributed to each family. Our daily schedule will be as follows:
          Discovery Zone            Music                                  Exploration                    Physical Ed     
12-12:40                           8-10 yrs                             6-8 yrs                            4-6 yrs                         10-12 yrs & Teens
                                                (Blue)                                 (Green)                        (Yellow)                            (Purple)
12:45-1:25*                    *6-8 yrs                              4-6 yrs                                   *10-12 yrs & Teens    8-10 yrs
                                                (Green)                              (Yellow)                            (Purple)                            (Blue)
*1:30-2:10                       *4-6 yrs                              10-12 yrs                          *8-10 yrs                           6-8 yrs
                                                (Yellow)                            (Purple)                            (Blue)                                 (Green)
2:15-2:55                          10-12 yrs                          8-10 yrs                             6-8 yrs                                   4-6 yrs
                                                (Purple)                            (Blue)                                 (Green)                              (Yellow)
2:55                      Take Down/Put Back  (everyone…all rooms)
*denotes snack time during the end/start of the rotation
“Extra Thursday” afternoons
These dates are set aside for additional opportunities for families to take part in.  Some of them require additional fees, others do not.  Your involvement in these activities is completely optional, although we encourage you to take part in as many as you can.  These provide great opportunities for the kids to interact in informal settings, as well as mothers!  You will be asked to sign up and pay for them in advance (usually 2 wks), as many other them require reservation or advance registration.
Red and Orange “Play” Groups
When helping in these groups, parents will be actively involved with the children in the group on a flexible schedule that may include free play, directed games, simple singing and music activities, or reading stories. 
Rotations for Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple groups:
Discovery Zone   
When moms who have signed up to help with these age groups are at the Discovery Zone rotation, they are responsible for helping set up and clean up as needed.  The moms will be in the room to help out if needed during the teaching period and please keep kids focused and respectful at all times.  We desire to make this a fun and valued learning experience for the children and a positive experience for the teacher, by having assistance with classroom behavior.  Plan to sit with and among the kids.
Teaching time can cover many topics.  This year our focus is on exposing our kids to many different jobs/careers and people roles in the community.  It will include guest speakers from outside of our group.  Any parent may volunteer to share with the group if they would like to. Contact a leadership member if you are interested or have a contact of someone outside of the group for the future.
Physical Education
The focus of the Phy Ed time is to learn games, sports, teamwork, skills, build endurance and to have fun.   This year we will include football (boys)/cheerleading (girls), volleyball, soccer, softball and kickball/dodgeball.  We also include the parachute and playground games for the younger kids.  We will go bowling and swimming as additional (optional) events.  We also try to implement stretching and warm up running.  When moms are at this rotation with their group, they should help keep kids focused, quiet, paying attention and participating, allowing the instructor to teach rather than focus their attention on “crowd control”.
The fall and early winter weeks will be focused primarily on the history of music and it’s development around the world. Children preK-6th grade will be working on basic aspects of music and music theory (at age appropriate levels)that will be a part of our annual  Spring Celebration in May.
This rotation provides an in-depth study (3 weeks) on 3 different topics throughout the year.  This rotation will also include some art projects and group activities. 
Teen Scene
This “12 years and up” group is intended to give this age group an opportunity to extend the friendships and time together beyond their elementary/middle school years.  Their afternoons together include joining the Purple group for the Phy Ed rotation and an additional rotation.  We are also planning to included some exposure to various careers through guest visits.  The rest of the time they will meet independently.  There will also be off-site occasions for a service project and a couple of fun group activities.  This group has 2 adult leaders and may require additional adult helpers as needed. 
Miscellaneous Information:
·        All children in color groups Orange-Purple and Teen Scene will get a daily snack. Each family will be asked to provide snacks 2 times throughout the year.  You may choose to pay $5 for each of those assigned weeks if you would rather have GRACE provide them on your behalf.
·        ALL kids in all color groups and teen group will be asked to wear a sticky name tag for the entire afternoon.
·        All helping parents must have a head count of the group before they leave a rotation and again once they enter the next rotation. EVERY TIME
·        No child, any age, may leave the group alone.  An adult must go along.
·        Great resources to take note of:
GRACE Newsletter  (Minnesota Association of Christian Home Educators)
YMCA – Homeschool Phy Ed program meets once a month
Science and Art Enrichment classes – are also available, see a leadership member.

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