Wednesday, October 23, 2013

10/24 GRACE Notes

Happy fall!   (or early winter?)


I have a few things for you to take note of.  Please read carefully!  I am going to use this week's email as a "test" to be sure that all of you are getting these weekly emails.  PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL back to me, so that I know you got this.  I will be keeping a check-off list so I know if the emails are not getting to someone.


1)  The GRACE directories will be in your registration folders if you paid for one.  Please check them for accuracy.  Let me know if there is something missing or wrong.  I will print a corrections sheet if necessary.  (Only those kids registered with GRACE are listed with family photos.)


2)  If you have not paid for snacks OR signed up, please check the list at the reg. table and sign up on the empty spaces.


3)  The helping moms sign up sheets are attached.  Please take note of the next two gatherings.  REMEMBER, if you are unable to make it, you are responsible to find someone to fill in for you.  We are at the minimum amount of supervision for each age group, so your presence on the days you signed up for IS CRUCIAL!  Thanks!!  :)


4)  It is very important that everyone understands the need for all kids to help with the activity center set up at the end of the afternoon.  For certain, each week we need to set up 9 tables and chairs.  Sometimes, we are asked to help with more.  When there is more work to do, we release the kids from classes 8-10 minutes early, as we know that some of you are on tight schedules following GRACE.  It isn't fair to have some families staying and helping and others leaving.  We used to dismiss GRACE at 3:00pm.  We have changed that time to 2:55, so that there is time for all to help.  Please be aware of this and be available.  There is ALWAYS a need to have parents in the gym keeping kids on task.  I really need your help on this.  Thanks!  :)


5)  Remember, use the GRACE newsletter classified section to your benefit!  :)


6)  There will be an email soon with the date, time and place of our November mom's night out!  We had a wonderful time last week and hope to have more of you join us in the future



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